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DIY Home Renovation

Delivery Methods: Acting as Your Own General Contractor

While a business owner that serves as their own general contractor is not a formal construction delivery method, it does happen! We decided to have a little fun and wrap up our delivery methods series by talking about GC-ing your own commercial construction project. A little hint…it’s much more complex than your typical home improvement project.

Show Notes

[03:15]  If an Owner as a GC were a formal delivery method, what are the pros and cons

[09:30]  Be prepared to manage A LOT of sub-contractors, emails and phone calls

[11:15]  Projects it makes sense for owners to act as their own GC

[13:45]  Why construction sequencing is paramount to meeting completion dates

[17:15]  Estimating the average amount of time an owner as GC would spend managing their project

[19:00]  You don’t know what you don’t know

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