  • © 2025 Bush Construction
  • Office Hours: Mon-Fri 8am-4:30pm

  • Coram Deo Bible Church Entrance
  • Coram Deo Children's Ministry Entrance
  • Coram Deo Bible Church Children's Ministry Corridor
  • Coram Deo Bible Church Nursery & Mother's Room
  • Coram Deo Bible Church Preschool Room
  • Coram Deo Bible Church Elementary Learning Room
  • Coram Deo Bible Church Children's Ministry Gathering Space
  • Coram Deo Bible Church Multi-Purpose Room

Coram Deo Bible Church

Project description

Coram Deo Bible Church underwent a significant renovation to create a vibrant, educational, and safe space to support its Children’s Ministry. Bright colors illuminate common areas designed for interacting and playing, and each of the 11 classrooms meets the needs of the children and pre-teens they serve.

Nursery – offers room dedicated to nursing moms that includes a screen with a feed to the Worship Center, a crib room where babies can sleep and a kitchenette complete with a dishwasher and sink.

Preschool – includes a bathroom and a sink, whiteboards, and audio-visual technology to assist little learners.

Upper Elementary – features modular tables and chairs for connecting, moving, and learning.

In addition, the Compass Room (holds up to 150), the Cornerstone Room (holds up to 200), and the Legacy Room (holds up to 260) were created as flexible spaces for children’s ministry programs, gatherings, and events.

The renovation also included the reconfiguration of the entrance, including a dedicated Welcome area, a wide-open corridor to the children’s ministry, and new paint and flooring.

Coram Deo Bible Church Multi-Purpose Room Coram Deo Bible Church Entrance Coram Deo Children's Ministry Entrance Coram Deo Bible Church Children's Ministry Gathering Space Coram Deo Bible Church Children's Ministry Corridor Coram Deo Bible Church Elementary Learning Room Coram Deo Bible Church Nursery & Mother's Room Coram Deo Bible Church Preschool Room

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